BRESEQ :: Evidence
Predicted mutation
evidence seq id position mutation freq annotation gene description
RA NC_012967 4,616,396 G→A 100% G290S (GGC→AGC)  nadR → multifunctional transcriptional regulator/nicotinamide‑nucleotide adenylyltransferase/ribosylnicotinamide kinase NadR

Read alignment evidence...
  seq id position ref new freq score (cons/poly) reads annotation genes product
*NC_0129674,616,3960GA100.0% 51.9 / NA 18G290S (GGC→AGC) nadRmultifunctional transcriptional regulator/nicotinamide‑nucleotide adenylyltransferase/ribosylnicotinamide kinase NadR
Reads supporting (aligned to +/- strand):  ref base G (0/0);  new base A (14/4);  total (14/4)
Rejected as polymorphism: Frequency below/above cutoff threshold.
Rejected as polymorphism: Variant not supported by required number of reads on each strand.

gCAGTATTCCGATTACGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCa                             <  1:698032/36‑1 (MQ=38)
   gTATTCCGATTACGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGc                          <  2:21550/36‑1 (MQ=38)
        ccGATTACGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACCCACAAt                     >  2:667936/1‑36 (MQ=25)
           aTTACGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACa                  >  1:140752/1‑36 (MQ=38)
            ttACGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGCATAATACAt                 >  2:791104/1‑36 (MQ=25)
             tACGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACAtt                <  1:186046/36‑1 (MQ=38)
              aCGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCTACGCACAATACATTg               >  1:987676/1‑36 (MQ=25)
              aCGATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTg               <  1:990717/36‑1 (MQ=38)
                gATAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGAt             >  1:229018/1‑36 (MQ=38)
                 aTAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGAtt            >  1:115898/1‑36 (MQ=38)
                 aTAAAATCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGAtt            >  1:516929/1‑36 (MQ=38)
                   aaaaTCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGAtttt          >  2:395206/1‑36 (MQ=38)
                   aaaaTCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGAtttt          >  1:210263/1‑36 (MQ=38)
                     aaTCGCGCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGTTTTTgt        >  1:736659/1‑35 (MQ=25)
                        cgcgCTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGATTTTGCAGt     >  2:107900/1‑36 (MQ=38)
                         gcgcTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGATTTTGCtgtg    >  2:264000/1‑36 (MQ=37)
                           gcTGAGCCACGCCCAATACATTGATTTTGCAGTGaa  >  2:911917/1‑36 (MQ=37)
                           gcTGAGCCACGCACAATACATTGATTTTGCAGTGaa  >  1:972411/1‑36 (MQ=38)

Alignment Legend
Aligned base mismatch/match (shaded by quality score): ATCG/ATCG < 3 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 11 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 20 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 30 ≤ ATCG/ATCG < 32 ≤ ATCG/ATCG
Unaligned base: atcg    Masked matching base: atcg    Alignment gap:     Deleted base: